Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Been a While

I'm taking one day at a time. I've found a new church. I'm not as active. I have trouble going some days. I miss my old church family dearly...I hear a song Stacey used to sing or I see something that reminds me of them and it tears my heart out. I know my decision is the reason I can no longer be there but I lost a huge part of myself. My ex is not paying child support so I'm having to take him to court. Who would have thought he wouldn't help take care of his children? Of course after all the things he did after the fact, it doesn't actually surprise me. I admit I made my share of mistakes but at least I owned up to them. He's lying on top of it all. I have witnesses and pictures. We'll see what happens in court. The girls are doing great. I don't think the 50/50 custody is good for them. Not enough stability. That's another thing we'll do in court this week. He has a girlfriend now so I wish he'd just move on, pay his support. He buys Faith a cell phone but she's not allowed to call her own mother. He acts like he's this faithful, good guy but it's all a charade. My true friends and family know the truth and that's all that really matters. My decision is no ones business nor is it for anyone to "understand". Unless you're in someones shoes you can't. My girls are healthy and HAPPY...probably better than they have in a long time. I'm having fun and meeting a lot of new people..my prince charming will come one day. Right now my focus is my girls and getting us out of our financial situation that he helped get us into. My only regret in this whole thing is that I didn't do this a long time ago!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Moving on

So my divorce is final in 6 weeks!! The ex decided to hack into my email, myspace and facebook and change my passwords and read my emails. He tore up most of what he left in the house. I had to change the locks and get a protective order. He came home drunk and was in my face one night...but he is gone! I have made my share of mistakes and will the first to admit it but this is stupid. I'm just ready to move on. I've met a few people and I am having fun again. I've met a couple of blasts from the pasts. The ex blogs about not being angry and how closer to God he's getting and then pulls this stupid s***. What a joke. My true friends know the truth and that's all that matters..

and to those who think I'm getting what I deserve. Bite me

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holiday World

Faith, Maggie, Chloe and Stasia
Faith in the splash park
The girls again

We had a long, fun filled day at Holiday World. We spent most of the time in the water park. How blessed we are to be able to do fun things like this with friends and family.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Faith's 8th Birthday Party

The beginning of the evening swimming
and on the trampoline

Hope and her friends Haley and ElissaBeth
All the girls!! Yes they all stayed the night! What a great time. Thank goodness it's only once a year. Happy Birthday Beautiful!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fourth of July

My camera has a firework setting on it. Look how weird this picture came out of Hope!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The ABC's of ME

Took this from my friend Staci's blog.

Stole this from Perri's blog. She always has funsies to do or share. She's cool like that!! Thanks Perri!

A. Aromatherapy? Satsuma from The Body Shop, clean linen or cotton, Apple Cinnamon

B. Best Buds? Wow...Connie, Tracy, Tara, Jodi, Jessica, Susan, Sonya, Julie, Jennifer, Cathy, Trin

C. Can't eat just one? Mini Snickers

D. Roller Derby in your future? Only as a spectator

E. Essential item? Lipgloss

F. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Read

G. Gotta love it when? Your kids hug and kiss you for no reason.

H. Home town you grew up in? Boonville

I. Favorite Indulgence? Chocolate milkshake, whip cream

J. Just what where you thinking when you said? Sure I'll teach again

K. Do you have Kids? What are their names? Yes!! Faith Renee and Hope Avery

L. Life isn't complete without? Jesus Christ

M. Marriage Date? February 14, 2000

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brother, 2 sisters

O. Oranges, apples or other? Cantaloupe

P. Phobias? Sharks, gators, small enclosed spaces

Q. Quotes? God is good all the time

R. Reasons to smile? My God and my kids

S. Speed Dial Numbers? Hubby, mom and dad

T. TV shows you don't want to miss? My soaps

U. Unknown fact about me? I've been to jail......long time ago before my christian days!

V. How do you Veg out? A good book on the porch

W. Worst habit? Pulling my eyelashes

X. eXperience you don't want to do again? Death of a friend

Y. Your favorite food? Mexican

Z. 'Zactly what were you thinking when you said? I do...just kidding...Let's landscape the front yard!

Me & my girls

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