Monday, May 19, 2008

Girlfriends weekend

Hanging out on the patio
Jodi, Tara, Sonya and Jess
Me and Jodi...Jodi has lived away and just recently moved back to town. We hadn't been with her for 13 years...but it was like it was yesterday!
My bestest friends since 7th grade get together several times a year. This weekend we met at Jessica's in Fishers. 10 of us made it. We sat outside and ate and talked and looked through pictures and old yearbooks then we went inside and talked and stayed up until about 2 chatting. We had a blast as always! We are going to get together again in September in Cincinnati. I love you girls!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Our neighborhood on cops...

Apparently this afternoon two men broke into a home on Franklin and the homeowner came home and they took off on foot. The police found them by my house soon after. We need to move!!!! I keep praying we can move closer to church and this only solidifies my thoughts!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

To all moms...Happy Mother's Day! What a blessing it is.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


It was time to take them out so I took a suture removal kit home from work. Thursday evening Jamie sat on Hope and held her down and I removed the stitches. It was awful. She screamed "Mommy help me!" over and over. It killed me. She was mad at Jamie for holding her down and wouldn't have anything to do with him the rest of the night. But they are out and it's healing and looks pretty good.

Grace House

The ladies from Grace House came to our last ladies meeting Thursday night. We had a huge meal and we presented them with stationary and puzzles all the women from the church had brought in. They gave a couple of amazing testimonies and signed 2 songs for us. It was such a blessing!! I REALLY want to volunteer there and take them on outings and especially on Friday nights. They have chapel time and then movie nights and they need women to go give testimony or speak whatever God lays on their heart or to just hang out with them. Thank you God for bringing these women into my life again. I visited there a little over a year ago and they were on my heart then but life got in the way but God brought them back again. We raised $800 to give them to start a scholarship fund. It costs them $500 a month to be there. I can't imagine that. It's totally faith based and these women are wonderful!

Me & my girls

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